Monday, June 7, 2010

Wrapping things up

As I'm wrapping things up in my current job to get prepared for the next one, I am working on a program (that I won't be giving) presentation on Downloadable Books.
Ah, Downloadable eBooks, Audiobooks- easy-peasy, right?! Notsomuch.

If someone walks up with a question about the program, or a flier- let's say the question is posed like this:
"So, how do I download these free books?"
I will venture to say that most librarians will give a blank stare to the patron and pray that they are asking about ONE particular kind of eBook or Audiobook that the librarian knows about. "Maybe they don't know anything about eBooks or downloadable audiobooks, and a vague definition will suffice," the librarian may think to herself hopefully.

Only then the patron is asking about their iPhone, or their Blackberry. OR maybe they just got a Sony Reader, or maybe they have an old Sony Reader someone gave them. Or maybe they have an iPad (ooohhhhhhh) or a regular iPod, or a Zune, or a nook.

The thing I learned about STARTING my Downloadable Books program is this:
Digital Rights Management software is the biggest PITA ever. Seriously. I wanted to throw things. Specifically mobile devices and computers. Every device has something different, every DRM software a slightly different issue. If you have this device, you need this platform, and this *FREE* software and this upgrade and these are the steps.

Bottom line?

As much as I believe that libraries need to be relevant and keep up with the wants of the patrons- keep up with the "digital times" by having access to things like eBooks and MP3 audiobooks or WMV audiobooks...

It's much easier to do it illegally. I can't say that with solid authority, because I don't do it illegally...however I can guaran(expletive)tee I could figure out how to download a book or audiobook in roughly a half hour if I could do it illegally.

Doing it legally however, with all the bells and whistles that come along with Digital Rights Management and different a pain. A ROYAL PAIN.

46 text heavy, bullet-laden Powerpoint Presentation slides later, I have a VAGUE idea of how to download books, transfer them to some devices, and I know for a fact I spent a few weeks working on it and only grazed the tip of the DRM iceberg.

As much as it sucks that I'm about to say it:
I'm really glad I don't have to do the program. I'm terrified of what people would ask and that I wouldn't know the answer. That said, I hope someone else does a better job than I could figuring it out.

I have a lot of confidence in my intelligent colleagues that they'll do just fine. :)

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